17 March 2010


So I made three sales in two days (Friday and Saturday) and it was an amazing feeling. One was a UK order and the other two were in the US.
The Saturday orders I saw when I woke up (I love waking to a sale!).
I got them ready to ship, shipped them, and now I'm waiting...
Waiting for another sale...
It's been a few days.
One neat thing that happened yesterday was I noticed my views on Etsy (through Google Analytics) were sky high. Higher than they'd ever been before. I looked through the details, clicked to another website or two, and found that one of my grapevine bracelets had been featured on the Etsy home page! At 4am EST. So I was definitely still asleep. But I was pretty excited!
Unfortunately, my views today cannot compare.. And I did not make any sales from it..
But there's still hope!
Hey, I'm getting there!

And I'm still waiting. Hear that, God? I want to make a sale, please.

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